Saturday, April 16, 2011



  1. First of all, you two get points for using one of my favorite Dali paintings. You did a good job of manipulating the image to make it almost unrecognizable, though, and it fits your soundscape very well. The thing that I was able to pick out most in your soundscape was the emphasis on space, which is no surprise considering how deep the space is in the image. The constant, low howl of the wind gives the idea of isolation, like the listener is dwarfed in an enormous space, which is very effective and also pretty creepy, which I dig a lot. It gives the sense of jealousy in its slow build, as if the subject is simmering about something they’ve witnessed. For a while, the noise almost starts to drone, with the constant sound of the rain and wind punctuated by the higher-pitched, closer sounds of the breaking glass and what not. Not only does this explore space, but it does a good job of manipulating time to keep the listener engaged, but to also get across your idea of jealousy. The slow, methodic build up until the breaking point with the crashing creates this image of a conflict built out of a deep-seated issue. The continuous, long drone continues on after that and it makes the eventual break into the happy chirpy birds that much more of a relief. Overall, I think the soundscape is very effective and very well done.


  2. I really liked the almost constant sound of wind howling throughout the soundscape; it really gave a good sense of depth and space to the entire thing. The way the sounds seemed change as things went along made me visualize the rain coming and going, really made it seem as if time was passing.
    Something that I found interesting about the whole soundscape is how the sounds, combined with the picture created what I though was a sense of unease. It was also very easy to visualize the events that were occurring. Like at the start with only the wind blowing it wasn’t hard to imagine standing on a big open plain with that eye in the distance.
    I also found that the soundscape gave off a very strong feeling of jealousy. For one thing the way the sounds just seem to go on and on give an almost constant feeling of tension, as if under some kind of stress. But, the major part for me has to be the picture of the eye. As the soundscape goes on the eye just continues to stare, almost longingly or accusingly at the one watching, which I believe really drives home the feeling of jealousy.
